Crystalline Light Body Activation With Bret


Crystalline light body activation is a transformative process designed to facilitate the infusion of heightened levels of luminous energy and the harmonization of elevated 5D frequencies within our physical beings.
Employing sacred Atlantean Reiki symbols, I seek out and engage the intricate geometric patterns and connections inherent in your energetic and physical matrix. This practice serves to mitigate fluctuations and surges of energy, fostering overall well-being and a stable life.
Moreover, this activation enables you to attune and broaden your emotional self-awareness, as well as your sensitivity to the emotions of those around you.
As higher frequencies of light permeate your energy field, they stimulate the alignment of your energy centers with these divine frequencies. Light body activations may also manifest as the body’s natural means of transcending significant challenges, including illness, disease, and trauma.

Session time: 45 minutes
Modality: conducted via Zoom video call, ensuring you can experience its transformative effects from the comfort of your own space
After booking, our team will reach out to schedule a convenient date and time for your session

During a Light Body Activation, you can expect:

  • Feelings of euphoria and extreme joy, elevating your emotional state
  • A profound sense of oneness and belonging, connecting you to a higher spiritual realm
  • Enhanced emotional self-awareness and sensitivity to the emotions of those around you
  • Alignment of your energy centers with higher frequencies of light
  • Potential physical manifestations, which can include:
    •   Shaking as your body adjusts to the influx of energy
    •   Chills, as if you’re experiencing a divine presence
    •   Tingling sensations in your hands, feet, and spine, signifying the activation of your energy channels
  • Resolution and release of deep-seated issues such as illness, disease, and trauma, as your body undergoes this transformative process.

For the most profound results, consider complementing your experience with a Private Chakra Balancing and Reiki with Bret

Embrace the opportunity to elevate your spirit, harmonize your energies, and align with the ever-expanding frequencies of light. Schedule your Crystalline Light Body Activation today and step into a realm of profound transformation and well-being. 

Disclaimer: Please note this is NOT a medical consultation. Results will vary from person to person

Crystalline Light Body Activation With Bret